Sustaining Members

2024 Sustaining Member benefits include:

  1. A prominent posting of the Company contact information under “Sustaining Members” on CAPA’s website
  2. Company’s hyperlinked logo in the bi-monthly e-mail newsletter, CAPA Connection (distributed statewide, on CAPA’s social media page, and will be delivered to your email account).
  3. A 10% discount on any advertising;
  4. A Company Banner Ad on CAPA's Website for your membership year.
  5. A 5-minute live presentation time at a selected CAPA event, not limited to the Annual June Conference, the Biennial November Conference, and/or any planned and approved CAPA event.

Sustaining Members support the goals of the Alliance.  Sustaining Membership Online Application 

Please support all of our Sustaining Members when ordering services or products and be sure to mention CAPA.

2022 - 2024 Sustaining Members

Aptus Court Reporting 
Address: 8050 N. Palm Avenue, Suite 300
Fresno, CA 93711
Phone: 559.455.7628
Contact: Jaime Gooch
Email: [email protected]

Commercial Process Serving, Inc.
674 County Square Drive, Suite 107
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: (805) 250-7546
Sal Pujol, C.C.P..S.
Email: [email protected]

eLegal Services, Inc.
Address: 444 Higuera St., Ste. 100

San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Phone: (805) 439-1800
Contact: Steve D Hill
Email: [email protected]

George Washington University
805 21st Street NW, Room 301

Washington DC 20052
Phone: (202) 510-4163
Contact: Toni Marsh, JD
Director, Paralegal Studies

Email: [email protected]

Macro Pro, Inc.
P.O. Box 90459
Long Beach, CA  90809-0459
Phone:  (559) 355-2686
Contact:: Heidi L. Cornell
Regional Manager, Business Development
[email protected]

Park IP Translations
15 W 37th St.,
4th Floor
New York, New York 10018
Phone: (212) 581-8870
Contact: Melissa C Gillespie
Email: [email protected]

Sayler Legal Service, Inc
450 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 3
Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (831) 384-4030
Contact: Tamara Doney, Marketing Manager
Email: [email protected]


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