CCP Exam Registration - Survey in Process CCP Forms and Requests CCP Recertifications
The CCP Certification Program began its efforts to offer a California certification designation starting in 2016. Then by February 9, 2018, and throughout 2019, held its Inaugural CCP Exams where California successful paralegals earned today's first California Certified - CCP designation.
As the paralegal and legal profession, everyday work experiences, education programs, and CAPA's Certification program experienced many challenges, restructuring, rethinking and disruptions during 2019 - 2022; we are all looking forward to 2024/2025 with the opportunity to set future CCP Exam dates, availability, and promotion.
CAPA sent out a CCP Exam Survey to each and every one of you who have already taken a prior CCP Exam and are anxious to retake the exam, and those who are seeking to obtain the California certification for 2024/2025, and thereafter, with an opportunity to learn more about CAPA's CCP Certification Program and then to take/retake the CCP Exam.
Many of the items have been static during the pandemic, the CCP Committee is working on a 2024/2025 CCP Exam and Retake schedule. We will provide updated information as soon as it can be released and will update this page. Dates and locations for the 2024/2025 will be tabulated from the CCP Exam Survey.
Note: Any Applicant who has originally taken the CCP Exam during the Inaugural Period (February 2018 through November 2019) must apply as a Retake Examinee.
The CCP Exam and Certification Fees will now be offered as to members of a CAPA Association Members (provided on CAPA's Website, Member Associations tab) and Non-Members. They are published on the CCP Fee Schedule (Certification Tab). Certain Administration and Retake Fees remain the same. Registrations are non-transferable and all Fees are Non-Refundable.